Aichi targets pdf editor

Aichi targets at the cop10, delegates agreed 20 new targets for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity for the next ten years, and developed a vision for 2050. Policy forum earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the aichi biodiversity targets brian oconnor1, cristina secades1, johannes penner2, ruth sonnenschein3, andrew skidmore4, neil d. Aichi biodiversity targets and sustainable ocean initiative unepec workshop on areabased management and regional cooperation for the implementation of oceanrelated sustainable development goals brussels, 9 february, 2017 jihyun lee, cbd secretariat. Implementing the aichi biodiversity targets society for.

We conducted a systematic content analysis of 154 documents to assess the nature and extent of national implementation of the aichi targets using canada as a case study. Target 1 by 2020, at the latest, people are aware of the values of biodiversity and the steps they can take to conserve and use it sustainably. A quick guide for assessing and mobilizing financial. The aichi targets were designed as interim targets to halt biodiversity loss and to be implemented by 2020. Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the aichi biodiversity targets.

The 2030 agenda and ecosystems a discussion paper on the links between the aichi biodiversity targets and the sustainable development goals. To implement the strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020. The strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and the aichi. Some of the existing aichi targets are difficult to interpret because they have ambiguous wording. Pdf progress towards the aichi biodiversity targets. Biodiversity encompasses the entire variety of life on earth. Specifically, meeting this target globally will require that. The aichi targets rely upon indicators to report progress towards reducing pressure on biodiversity, maintaining and improving the state of. Hutton1 1united nations environment programme world conservation monitoring centre unepwcmc, 219 huntington road, cambridge, cb3 0dl. Canadas targets were released in 2015 3 years overdue and completely omit several aichi targets.

This data is based on the data provided at this source in july. As of july 2016, the 5th national reports have been submitted by 90% of the parties and nbsaps by 52%. Further updates to this information could be undertaken by the aichi biodiversity targets task force4, which comprises a number of key. Progress and alignment of national targets to the aichi. Alex fajardo paper previously published as standard paper. This new tool can help track progress toward the aichi targets, support national monitoring and reporting, and inform outcomebased policymaking for the protection of natural resources. Progress toward equitably managed protected areas in aichi. The aichi targets and biodiversity in the context of the post2015.

Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society. Global marine biodiversity in the context of achieving the. Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards. Earth observation as a tool for tracking progress towards the. The iucn species programme provides advice to parties, other governments and partners on the implementation of the strategic plan for biodiversity and its aichi biodiversity targets 2011 2020, and is also heavily involved in work towards the targets themselves. Biological diversity underpins ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services essential. Conservation benefits of international aichi protection and. The 2030 agenda and ecosystems a discussion paper on the links between the. Of these, target 17 calls for each country to revise their national biodiversity strategies and action plans nbsaps in line with the aichi targets. Address the underlying causes of biodiversity loss by mainstreaming biodiversity across government and society strategic goal b.

Examples of rsebvs are shown for the targets with high and medium adequacy as well as the possible eo approach which can be used. There is one issue with the framing of the problem, which implies a fundamental misunderstanding of the objectives behind the strategic plan for biodiversity and the aichi targets. Leadley and others published progress towards the aichi biodiversity targets. While progress toward the aichi targets through the convention on biological diversity is well. Building the sustainable development goals on the aichi. Aichi biodiversity targets and sustainable ocean initiative. Human activities are irreversibly impacting biodiversity. Biodiversity loss and the ecological footprint of trade. These visualizations provide charts showing regional and national trends and lay the foundation for a webenabled, interactive biodiversity indicators dashboard.

In the next section, the guide will explain what the target means, relying to a large extent on. Jun 19, 20 the guides make no attempt to reinterpret what is contained in decision x2 strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 but are meant to serve as a resource that parties and other stakeholders may wish to consider as they set national targets in support of the aichi biodiversity targets. In 2015, canada adopted a suite of national targets known as the 2020 biodiversity goals and targets for canada. Mapping multilateral environmental agreements to the aichi biodiversity targets prepared for and funded by ministry of environment, finland. By 2020, the genetic diversity of cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals and of wild relatives, including other socioeconomically as well as culturally valuable species, is maintained, and strategies have been developed. Consequently, the sdgs could build on the aichi targets because. Review history for global marine biodiversity in the context. Overall the abstract reflects the text of the paper well, but needs some careful editing. The natural capital asset index 2020 detailed model data to 2018. The 20 aichi targets were reduced to 17 national targets which are considered to be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and are timebound to namibia. The action taken over the next decade or two will determine whether the relatively. Lessons from the aichi targets article pdf available in conservation letters july 2016 with 101 reads how we measure reads. Aichi biodiversity targets strategic goals cbd in decision x2, the 10th meeting 2010 of the conference of the parties for the convention on biological diversity cbd, adopted a revised and updated strategic plan for biodiversity, including aichi biodiversity targets for the 2011 2020 period. Pdf the aichi biodiversity target 12 at regional level.

Aichi biodiversity targets, and is based on countries nbsaps national biodiversity strategies and action plans under the cbd and 5th national reports covering the period 2011 2016. Mapping multilateral environmental agreements to the aichi. Namibias second national biodiversity strategy and. An assessment of biodiversity trends, policy scenarios and key actions find, read and. In addition, it shows how the 2030 agenda can contribute to the imple. Thus, a primary step to achieve aichi target 12 is to understand the extinction risk posed to species through making conservation assessments of targeted species. To improve the status of biodiversity by safeguarding ecosystems, species and genetic diversity strategic goal d. In 2010, the conference of the parties of the convention on biological diversity agreed on the strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 in aichi prefecture, japan.

In canada, the phrasing of aichi target 11 is of policy and reporting concern on several fronts. Review history for global marine biodiversity in the. The aichi biodiversity target 12 at regional level. It is vital for human survival and is a key measure of the health of our planet. Aichi targets interim reports 2016, 2017, 2018 scottish. Mapping multilateral environmental agreements to the aichi biodiversity targets final report october 2015. Icca consortium releases aichi targets policy brief news. The quick guides to the aichi biodiversity targets are meant to serve as a resource that parties and other stakeholders may wish to consider as they develop or refine national targets to be set in support of the global aichi biodiversity targets. Given the limited number of years left for the aichi targets to be achieved, our initial findings might be useful for an initial reporting against the 2020 deadline for at11 and helpful in defining the role of social equity in the next cbd strategic plan from 20202030. More than half way towards the deadline for 2020 aichi targets, a key question is whether the metapopulation dynamics of dispersalrestricted habitat specialists can be sustained under current international targets of protection and restoration. Conservation benefits of international aichi protection. Biodiversity betrayal as nations fail miserably on. Pressure state response purpose of this ongoing work. The achievement of target 12 is linked to progress towards many of the other aichi targets.

Global costs of achieving the aichi biodiversity targets center for. In this paper, we report on the findings of a working group that discussed how the targets related to marine biodiversity were being achieved. Aichi target 11 moved us beyond simple number targets to. Given particular national circumstances, national targets may be more. The shortcomings of the aichi targets the aichi targets are, in some respects, a vast improvement over the 2010 biodiversity target. The aichi bd targets were adopted during the 10th conference of parties of the cbd, and it aims to provide countries to setup the national targets ultimately help in preparing the nbsap. Swedbio at stockholm resilience centre, stockholm, sweden. Canada and aichi biodiversity target 11 canadian council on. As this plan approaches its end, we discussed whether marine biodiversity and prediction studies were nearing the aichi targets during the 4th world conference on marine biodiversity held in montreal, canada in june 2018. Strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and the aichi targets living in harmony with nature biological diversity underpins ecosystem functioning and the provision of ecosystem services essential for human wellbeing. The aichi biodiversity target 12 aims to prevent the extinction risk of known threatened species and to improve their conservation status by 2020. Article pdf available in biodiversity 162 june 2015 with 734 reads how we measure reads. They are interim targets and do not represent what is actually required for humanity to live in sustainable harmony with nature.

Aichi biodiversity targets and the sustainable development goals. The teeb implementation guide has been written to support cbd national focal points or others who are interested in translating the global targets into targets for the national context and in initiating their implementation. Agroforestry and aichi biodiversity target aichi target. Dac rio markers and biodiversity policy response indicators anna drutschinin, oecd development cooperation directorate. Canada, the european community, and the other 195 parties in this global plan were encouraged to develop their own national targets using the aichi targets as a guide. Aichi biodiversity targets invasive alien species prevented and controlled explanation of the target this target focuses on two types of actions, the control or eradication of invasive alien species and the management of their introduction pathways. While progress toward the aichi targets through the convention. Strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and the aichi targets. The targets are characterized by the following features. The guides make no attempt to reinterpret what is contained in decision x2 strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 but are meant to serve as a resource that parties and other stakeholders may wish to consider as they set national targets in support of the aichi biodiversity targets. Biodiversity betrayal as nations fail miserably on conservation. Reduce the direct pressures on biodiversity and promote sustainable use strategic goal c. Adequacy of eo data products to address the aichi targets as evidenced by the candidate ebvs which can be remotely sensed rsebvs.

These different processes could be built upon when taking actions to meet this target. For example, as well addressing the state of biodiversity, they also focus. Adequacy of eo data products to address the aichi targets as evidenced by the. The forest ecosystem restoration initiative feri is supported by the korea forest service of the republic of korea and implemented by the secretariat of the convention on biological diversity cbd. The first national consultation on biodiversity targets. The biodiversity indicators partnership bip brings together a host of international organizations working on indicator development, to provide the best available information on biodiversity trends to the global community. For the aichi targets to be met, all countries must play their part, says sarah nelson, head of international policy at. Similarly any national targets adopted in support of this aichi biodiversity target have the potential to create synergies.

Pdf earth observation as a tool for tracking progress. Moving forward to engage pas in equitable management. It supports developing country parties as they develop and. Accordingly, the 20 aichi biodiversity targets are considered more aspirational than binding. The strategic plan for biodiversity 20112020 and the. The ecological footprint has become a widely used metric for natural capital and ecosystem accounting, and is frequently cited in the sustainability debate, where it is often used for tracking humaninduced pressures on ecosystems and biodiversity. The quick guides to the aichi biodiversity targets are meant to serve. The partnership was initially established to help monitor progress towards the convention on biological diversity cbd 2010 biodiversity target. While progress toward the aichi targets through the convention on biological diversity is welldocumented globally, less is known at the national level. Progress and alignment of national targets to the aichi biodiversity targets world maps world maps this document includes targetbytarget world maps of national progress and alignment towards the. The strategic plan consists of 20 new biodiversity targets for 2020, termed the aichi biodiversity targets.